Monday, July 25, 2011

The Doors Are Off!

The Gloves Doors Are Off!

All the cupboard doors and drawer fronts are off! Now the work begins.

I piled them up in the new addition so I could work on them in a covered space and not have to move anything for a week or two.

The paint product I am using is Cover Satin an oil based product that should cover all the wood nicely.

Step 1. Take doors and drawer fronts off. done

Marlene @joyfuldiscoveries

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Painted Rain Boots

These boots are painted, seriously. In order to get a real idea how this is done
you need to hop over to My Own Road by Jennifer.

Not only do they look great, they are handpainted and
designed by Jennifer herself. I LOVE these.

There is a full tutorial on how to create these for yourself.
Especially the do's and don'ts.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Gallary Wall, bff room reveal

I absolutely love how this gallary wall turned out for the bff room.
It was simple affordable and devlivered just the right amount of punch to the space.
Here is another look at the before and after.

All of the frames were purchased from the Dollar Store to give a
cohesive look to the space. Each photo was originally in
the room but had different coloured frames.

Also in order to give it some interest we decided to take
out the glass and frame the orange background wall and place
paper flowers directly on the walls using furniture tacks.

Click on the following link to get to the home page of joyart at
Enjoy your visit.

And one last look with the wall gallary and bedding altogether
to make an overall look that is FAB-U-LOUS!

Linking up with:

The Lettered Cottage

~ Marlene @ Joyful Discoveries

Monday, March 28, 2011

Bedside Table


In our room transformation we tried to be very frugal with our choices. One way to do that was to reuse furniture to get a BIG wow with a little money spent as possible. Here is the same table as we found it. A very familiar piece that many of us have seen before but simply does not have a very modern or country look to it.


So how did we bling it up?

Our supplies:
1. table to be refinished
2. sandpaper
3. drop sheets for paint overspray
4. well ventilated area
5. 1 can of pink spray paint called Watermelon from Wal-mart.
6. Glass squares from the dollar store were $1 each.
7. spray adhesive

Our first step was to wash down the table well and remove all dirt.
Secondly we gave it a good sanding to give the paint something to stick too.
Third we gave it at least 4 coats of paint. (on second thought a primer before spray painting would have been a good idea. I should know better but we were too excited to get started and missed that step.)

Finally we placed the mirror squares evenly on the table top and then picked them up one at a time to apply the spray adhesive.
Allow to dry and shine up those mirrors for a fabulous look.

I absolutely LOVE how this turned out!

~ Marlene @ Joyful Discoveries

Sunday, March 27, 2011

BFF New Room Reveal


*This room is generally immaculate but as we were taking things
apart we realized we had not taken any before pics.


The Mission: With parental permision and a budget my daughter and I had a
                      2 week window to do a complete room transformation on her
                      BFF's room before their family returned from holidays.

The Reveal

Our own little extreeme "room" makeover.

Over the next few days I will post all the projects and there were quite a few.
Somehow they just kept multiplying...

So what do you think?

~ Marlene

Thursday, March 10, 2011

secret mission planning stage

Ikea duvet

Nate Berkus tufted headboard. in pink, orange or white?

This blingy bedside table is amazing. Wondering how we can pull that off???

Just a jumping off point on our newest little secret mission.
Can't wait to see how it plays out and what the reaction will be...

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Sliding Barn Door

I have always had in mind to put a sliding barn door
as the entry into our downstairs bathroom.
Wouldn't you know it that it has become
very popular right now. Isn't it great!

Lots of places to check out great ideas.

But where do you get the hardware to hang the doors?

2 words

Crown Industrial

House Tweaking a beautiful blog with more great ideas including
this barn door for the entry to the bedroom. This first link gets you to the door build.
The hardware and hanging up of said door is Part II.

Can't wait to see what our door will look like when it is done.

In the mean time enjoy these pics.

~ Marlene

Monday, February 28, 2011

Exterior Choices

It was time for another afternoon drive to check out
exteriors of houses we liked.
Our first stop was at H&I's to check out their faux
board & baton exterior.
This is definately our first choice.

Here again is another front entry.
Love the curved line above the door.
We are definately going with that look!

I really love the large frame around the windows.

I also love the double-hung windows.
Maybe I'll even clean my windows more often.
(Don't hold your breath though.)
Isn't the inset pattern nice.

So our search not only lead us to some lovely homes to get
ideas from but of course we saw a number of homes for sale too.

Last year we were scouring the listings for homes thinking that we
were going to move but as it turned out a big addition and
land sale to fund said addition were in our future,
not a new home purchase.

I'll leave you with some great houses and just for fun I checked them
out on-line to see what they would cost us...
So we won't be buying... at least not these! *sigh*

They were valued at over $500,000.00.

For fun I've included the link to the MLS listing.

Okay this one is not for sale but has always been one of my favourites.
It is also on Rock Rd in Spencerville.

~ Marlene

Monday, February 21, 2011

Front Porch Ideas

Which front porch idea do we go with?

So many great ideas. Today is Famly Day so we took the kids for a drive and looked at houses along the way. I took my camera and we drove by some beautiful homes with great porches.

I think my favourite porch and house were the following:

Love the colour
Love the trim
Love the porch
Love the shutters

So what do you think?

~ Marlene

Monday, February 7, 2011

Bathroom Cabinet Complete

Okay this is my FAV project to date!
I love this one.

This was a temporary solution for this bathroom.
It just happens to be our only bathroom since we've
 ripped the downstairs one apart as soon as this one was "done".
See the whole project reveal here.

Glad to see that thing out of the bathroom.
Out with the old,
in with the new!

A revamp from Ana White.
This is the link for the top section and
a link for the base section.

This is finished except for
one knob on the lower door
and frosted glass for the top door.
I can't wait to get that project done...

This was also my first attempt at doing a distressing treatment.
It just looked a little too white, clean, neat...
It just needed a little something else.

But there just seemed to be too much space in the upper hutch.
So a good friend was visiting and suggested placing
a paper towel holder in the space.

Only problem is how do you get the new roll on each time?
Well it is currently attached to the bottom of the door.
Time will tell wether that was a good idea or not...

Sometimes another person's viewpoint can be a great thing.
Thanks my friend! 

One more look...

Yes I love it!

~ Marlene